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Apprendre le français


FULL BEGINNER GUIDE (download PDF below…)

I created this guide in 2022, when I was volunteering to give French lessons to Ukrainian refugees who arrived in France after fleeing the war.

The guide is in the form of a PDF document. It is 92 pages long and is designed to accompany whoever is using it during his learning journey. The content of the différent lessons are in English.

The following is taken from the introduction of the guide and gives an idea of its content:

Learning a language from zero can surely be intimidating, especially when we don’t know where to begin.
Don’t you worry! Here is a step by step plan to quickly reach speaking level. Once you are able to speak (even if you can only say basic things) your progression rate will increase quite fast.
You already did the first step (motivation and goal), there are 5 more:

0. Motivation & SMART goal

  • You are here

1. Pronunciation: The sounds of French

  • It is essential to start with pronunciation, don’t go any further until your ear is able to hear the different sounds of French distinctly

  • Also know the French alphabet and special symbols such as the accents or “ç”, not to be surprised when you encounter them

2. Vocabulary: The Memory Box

  • The Spaced Repetition System (SRS or Memory Box) is the widely considered to be the best tool to memorize a large amount of new information

  • Learn a few hundred words of common vocabulary, which will be the raw material for the next part

3. Grammar: Sentence making

  • Glue words (to, at, of…), to link the vocabulary you already know and create any kind of sentence

  • Basic grammar

  • Basic conjugation

4. Practice, practice, practice

  • Listing, speaking, writing, reading and the efficient strategies to step up your game

5. Go deeper

  • The next steps to reach your SMART goal


“No one can give you a language. You have to take it for yourself.”

- Fluent Forever by Gabriel Wyner

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For french beginners

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